Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Icarus, Osiris, papyrus & Lewis (Carroll)

I think today went well. Still some blips to iron out but for the first time I'm starting to see some light at the end of the long tunnels called "no reading comprehension" and "rambling sentences". Eleanor has really figured out how to tighten up her sentences.
Today's myth was "Daedalus & Icarus". They seemed to really like and get this one. Henry's history lesson was gods of ancient Egypt most of which was just the reading of an Egyptian myth about Osiris and Set. There was a coloring page so I let him color it while I read. Brilliant! Thank you, Penny! We got through it with just one reading and he really got it. The narration was a piece of cake. Both Icarus and Osiris drowned today so it was kind of a weird unintentional theme. Eleanor's history lesson was hieroglyphs and cuneiform with a brief introduction to Sumer.

Eleanor still struggled with reading for content instead of speed. She had to re-read the materials for both reading and history with instructions to stop after every paragraph to make sure she understood what it was trying to say. Then she got sent back again after I explained the difference understanding and memorizing. I think we're breaking through it though.

The highlight was a visit from Sarah and Maya!


  • Printing - 15 minutes
  • FLL - review "Work" poem - learn "How Doth the Little Crocodile" - more proper nouns - copywork - 15 minutes
  • Break
  • Reading - "Daedalus & Icarus" - narration (so easy today!) - play the Icarus game - 20 minutes.
  • Break/Lunch
  • History - Gods of ancient Egypt - coloring page, oral questions, narration - 25 minutes.
  • Math - written and oral assessments - 15 minutes.
  • Piano
  • Spelling - 3 pages - 20 minutes.
  • Writing thank-you notes - 15 minutes.
  • FLL3 - adjectives, sentence diagramming, dictation - 15 minutes.
  • Cursive - 10 minutes.
  • Reading - "Daedalus and Icarus", narration - 50 minutes - TOO LONG!
  • Play with Maya!/Lunch
  • History - supplemental reading, narration, map work, coloring page - 1 hour - TOO LONG...did not finish coloring.
  • Math - 30 minutes.
Tonight I'm hosting Book Club here. We read "Rebecca" and one of our readers is bringing a copy of the film. I'm really looking forward to it. The next book is my pick and I'm still up in the air about it.